Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Simmons Optics Warranty Customer Service

I have had a Simmons 44 Magnum 8X rifle scope on one of my deer rifles for many years. It has become a favorite of mine and mounted on a little .243 it has been on hunts for all types of game. It has taken Mule deer, Axis deer, hogs, javelinas, coyotes, whitetails and many other varmints and never missed a beat. It has been bounced on horseback, 4 wheelers, jeeps and trucks. I have carried it in rain, snow, ice, dust storms and searing heat. It has held its point of aim for years without changing and I could ask no more from a scope than what this one gave in performance. This year it was shooting about 2.5 inches to the right so I decided to tweak the windage and all a sudden the gun was all over the paper. The windage adjustment was loose in the tube. I sent the scope with a letter telling what was wrong and $10.00 shipping to Simmons as it had a lifetime warranty. Several weeks later I got a package from UPS. It was not a repaired scope as I had hoped, but I understand that they no longer made parts for my scope. They did send me a brand new top of their line AETEC Variable 2.5-10 power rifle scope at no charge other than the $10.00 shipping. What more could you ask of a Company than that kind of customer service in honoring a warranty. I just hope this scope holds up like the last one. Good hunting, Wild Ed

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