Most of the critters have delivered their young of the year. I have seen little spotted fawns chasing their mothers and playing in the shade of the oak motts. There are tiny raccoon prints following the big ones in the mud around the edge of the stock pond. The young squirrels have been coming to our feeder on a regular basis now. All sorts of young birds too dumb to know that a human is not to be approached seem to be everywhere. We have been feeding on a regular basis and make sure there is water for the livestock and wildlife. I keep out some mineral blocks to make available to those animals that need it. Remember this time of year to keep feeding the wildlife if you can afford to do so as lots of animals need to raise families and need the extra nutrition.
My brother and his wife picked some Algerita berries up at the place the other day and made some jam that was excellent and was the purest red color. We have had it several mornings on biscuits with cream cheese, man is it good. The Mustang grapes should be ready this weekend or next and make some of the best jelly you ever put in your mouth. I can't wait for the peanut butter and mustang grape sandwiches to be ready. I also hear it makes wonderful wine but I have yet to learn to make wine. I hope to add that to my skills someday. A little later the prickly pear apples will turn red and it will be time to pick some of them and make jelly. Enjoy the gifts of the Outdoors but just take what you need and leave the rest for the critters. Have a great 4th and remember what it is all about. Wild Ed

I think that pictures of wildlife are some of the best ways to view the outdoors. Animals need no props to poise; they have props in their natural state. Great Post.
Bill, baby animals always steal the show no matter the species. It is pretty hard to take a bad picture of a cute baby animal.
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