Saturday, July 25, 2009

More Great Links to Outdoor Bloggers

Great Outdoor Links from Outdoor Bloggers

Rick K. at Whitetail Woods sends us this popular How-To: An Inexpensive Gravity Deer or Hog Feeder.
Julia, the Mother Hen at Henhouse Pottery, feeds her family, raises chickens, and throws clay on her homestead. She sends a great Q&A about chicken poop, compost, Raku firing, and common sense in her post "Raku, Chickens, and Compost."
Snakes and their identification are on Wild Ed's mind on his Texas Snake Roundup, where Ed helps us identify snakes that reside in his home state of Texas. Wild Ed has lots of great posts on Texas fauna on a regular basis as in Proof is in the Pictures.
Our fearless correspondent from Tennessee, Gabe over at EnviroCapitalist, likes his frog legs fresh, and goes about it with relish. Get into it with Gigging!
The Black Rabbit is a knife maker and by golly a good one at that! He has a two parter on making knives that is really a treat! Utility Knife Step-by-step: Part 1 and Utility Knife Step-by-step: Part 2.
The truth is that Hunts Like a Girl at Scent Free Lip Gloss is so cute that I'm embarrassed to go to her website. I worry her husband will see me looking at her posts, figure I'm oggleing her, and then beat the bejeebers outta me. A Diffent Kind of Bull and Lanterns and Poop Chairs are her choice for a good read!
And RKL sends us a travelogue from his trip to Ostia Antica the port city of Ancient Rome. The mosaics are truly breath taking when you consider just how long they've been there!
Scott over at Nebraska Hunting Outfitters has put together a couple of great FAQs on what to expect when turkey hunting Part I and Part II
I found this one on Phillip Loughlin's blog The Hog Blog. Phillip comments on our High Fence discussion with great accuracy, perception, and logic. A must read! Hunting Ethics VS Logical Debate
Albert at The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles and The Range Reviews: Tactical, did some post-graduate schooling on Real Men Hunt.

Check out these other outdoor blogs and you may find some that you want to follow on a regular basis, I know I have.
Good reading, Wild Ed

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