Friday, September 19, 2008

Texas Bow Season Just Around the Corner

As another Texas Bow season comes into view I thought it might be good to go over a few things before we all hit the field. Be sure and check all your gear and take some time to practice. I run into hunters every year that miss because something was out of adjustment and they had not taken the time to practice or check their gear. Shooting a bow is much different that a rifle and regardless of whom you are you should practice. We owe it to the animals we hunt to be able to place an arrow for a quick and painless kill. We each have our personal distance in which we are capable of sending the arrow right to the target. You should know that distance and not exceed it in taking the shot. In order to kill and arrow must be sharp. Put on new blades for the year or sharpen old ones. Once the arrow has flown to the target give the animal plenty of time to bleed out before trailing. A marginal or even a well placed shot can mean a lost animal if pushed to early.

Always wear a safety belt if you will be hunting in a tree stand and be sure to let someone know where you are hunting and when to expect you back. If you are alone and something happens you will be a long time getting help if no one knows where you are. In an accident time is often the deciding factor in survival. It is smart to carry a small first aid kit in your hunting bag or pack. I am amazed at how many of us have cut ourselves with broadhead or skinning knives, look at the scars on you or your friends. Be sure and drink plenty of fluids and keep hydrated as it is often very hot in Bow Season. Don’t forget to check those Pop-Up Blinds for snakes and spiders. A rattler might not like you trying to climb in on top of him in the dark. A little bug spray goes along way in keeping out Texas spiders and scorpions and the smell soon dissipates and is well worth the effort.

Above all relish and enjoy being in God’s Outdoors and the time you have watching the wildlife. As I have gotten older I spend more time observing than shooting and have come to cherish the time I have being part of nature. Hope you get a chance to see a Pope and Young the rest is up to you, Good Hunting, Wild Ed

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