How many times have you seen a fresh killed deer on the side of the road and wonder why it is not being utilized for food? The number of deer killed on our public roads in Texas will probably equal if not exceed the amount of deer taken by hunters each year. In Texas it is illegal to possess any road killed game no matter the condition. The State needs to take another look at this policy. If you hit a deer or someone else hits a deer and the meat is not damaged why not make use of it. If we need to have a 1-800 number to report it and give a name and address where the carcass can be checked if they want, so be it. Mike Leggett our Austin Outdoor Writer recently covered the topic in an article in the Austin American Statesman. I whole heartily agree with him and think this is a topic that each of us should write, email or call our representatives in the Texas Legislature and let them know how we feel about it. Here is a link to the Statesman article, it is worth the read. Wild Ed
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Ed, here in Connecticut it is not uncommon to see someone pick up a fresh roadkill. I myself have done that on occasion.
On a bad year for deer you can almost be guaranteed to see at least 2 to 3 a week.
If they were allowed to be picked up than it would not be an eye sore to passerby's.
Since I handload .45 ACP cartridges, I do agree that some few make great feral hog loads, yet I favor the wowser loads I create via the .243 Winchester rifle fare, like a ton of muzzle velocity. Surpassing 2000 foot-pounds of muzzle energy with mere 100 grain bullets, these little beasties bowl-over wild boars like mere bowling pins. Never pooh-pooh any designated caliber-bullet combo. cliffy
I had a neighbor hit one on their morning commute in season and I spotted it still warm and I brought it home. Was still quite warm and quite dead. Was deer season and my Super Combo license wasn't anywhere near limited out.
I guess I'd think twice about it if I hadn't had a license in my pocket in season but if a warden asked about it I'd just tell him "I got a hunting license in my wallet and I accidentally bumper hunted it." :-)
Remember in Texas, license or not, you can not remove or have in your possession a roadkilled animal.
I know. It's really wasteful, unless they're trying to breed more coyotes and wild hogs that nobody wants. Perhaps contribute to the fire ant populations too?
We need to start a campaign to get them to change the law. It is an old and stupid law. It is not that hard to see if someone shot a deer or it was hit by a vehicle. They should just have you call in and give your name and address with a Drivers license or hunting license number if you are going to pick up a road killed animal. :)
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