We recently lost one of our big stores for hunters and outdoorsman here in Round Rock when the Sportsman’s Warehouse closed down. Cabela’s is an hour or more away depending on traffic and Academy does not always have what you need. I was excited to find they were building a Dick’s Sporting Goods store in Pflugerville about twenty minutes away. When I opened the paper Sunday Dicks had a big flyer with all sorts of stuff for the hunter and outdoorsman on sale. I needed a deer feeder motor, some camo, deer corn and several boxes of .243 rifle ammo. They had a big add running all standard caliber Remington Core-lokt ammunition on sale and also a $2.50 rebate coupon per box from Remington on top of that.
I made the drive over and started picking up the items I needed. When I got to the ammo counter I asked where the Remington Core-lokt ammo that was on sale was and a nice clerk took me over to a counter loaded with ammo. I picked up five boxes of Remington .243 cartridges and was told that they were not on sale. I asked to see the Sunday ad and it stated all standard calibers. I was then told that .243 was not a standard caliber. That was the first time in my life I ever heard that, the .243 is about as standard a caliber as they come. If I had been trying to buy .264 Winchester Magnums or .257 Roberts cartridges I could understand. I then asked for the rebate offer and low and behold .243 was listed in the rebate offer but Dick’s staff would not sell me the ammo at the sale price. I left without spending a penny in the store. Dicks has lost a customer and I will pass this on to all my friends. I drove back over to Academy in Round Rock and spent my money.
Live and learn, Wild Ed
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.243 is not a standard? Well, I'll sure be darned.
Yeah, I agree with you. It's never fitting to beg anyone to take our money.
I guess I am becoming weird in my old age. I expect people and companies to do what they are supposed to do. When they run sales I expect them to have what they advertize or give a rain check. They can not even make change and if the item is not listed on the computer you are in deep whatever. What has become of customer service and satisfaction guaranteed?
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