When the family gets together for Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas or any other special occasion the talk always gets around to some adventure we had on a hunting or fishing trip. I have had my daughters and grand kids look at me with that "you really didn't do that" expression many times. This article and these pictures are for them so they can remember their great grandfathers, grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, uncles and my buddies and know that we grew up in a different generation if not a different world. I want them to know we were strong, young, brave and adventurous. We had full heads of hair and "Yes we really did do all those things you hear about." However, we were not really seven foot tall and bullet proof as time has proved, but at the time we truly believed we were.
Cherish your family, friends and memories, Wild Ed
I have left off the names and dates in the following pictures to protect the guilty.

I remember alot of these - thanks for teaching me those skills in case I ever need them. There are a couple things I wont ever forget: riding on the chair bolted to the hood of the jeep on spot light duty, and the smell of that rotting aligtor head in the garage! Luv ya Daddy!
I remember that last picture on the culling hunt in Sedona Texas I believe with Ken and your fellow workers. Many deer went home in the coolers. I looked over and you had an Axis hanginging on the tree. Fifteen minutes later I looked and there was a backbone and skinny ribs hanging. Kinda like the X files. Good times. So that was the gator that bounced the pistol shot??
Tom Jansen
When you have dressed hundreds of deer it gets to be pretty quick.
Yes there really was a giant mean gator than taught Ken and I how to kill gators.
Good times...When did you and KP kill the rams? I saw Katie and Trapper in the pics, so it wasn't too long ago.
Also, it looks like one of the antlers on the axis in the last pic looks a little crooked. What's up with that? KP may know...
I put KP and I in a drawing for a TPWD Sheep hunt in Caprock Canyon and we got drawn. It was a difficult hunt and we put in about 12 miles a day. KP and I were the only hunters to get sheep out of about 30 hunters. Those are Aouadad ewes, we did not see any rams. After that hike I know two old guys that spent a day in bed and could hardly get around for days.
Those are some great pic's Ed! My Mom and Dad have a complete wall of fishing pic's of all of us since I was 3 or so.
Also back to my Mom's grandfather who was a licensed captian. Sadly, our kid's and grandkids will doubtfully have that.
Looks like a lot of memories there Ed and I appreciate you sharing them with all of us.
Family is very important and should be valued, In the end that is all we really have.
Ed, it looks like there's a lot of memories wrapped up in that one post.
In the picture of the lady nearest the top, what's she holding? Doesn't look like a Thompson in the barrel, but the stock sort of does.
It was a customized Original Texas built Ingram Mac 10 in .45acp.
Great post!
Really enjoyed all of the photos.
I have to say all of those are nice i do like the truck one with the bullet hole.
There is a long story to that hole but in order to not have a similar bullet hole somewhere on my body I can not tell the story. Ed
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