I have two main methods and two types of equipment I use most of the time. The first method is wade fishing the small clear creeks with an ultra-light spinning rig or a fly rod. Both methods will yield large numbers of small bass and bluegill. A miniature safety pin type spin bait is deadly on these fish. Once in a while even a hog will fall to this bait. Another bait that I love to fish is a small top water bait as I can cast. The thrill of river bass and bluegill blowing up on a top water bait is a fantastic thrill no matter how many times I experience it.

The second method is to float the deeper clear rivers and streams is a sit on kayak or a canoe. This is a deadly method that allows me to quietly cast a fly rig or spinning rig into fish hide-always. If you have never fished the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake this is something to put on your bucket list. This float trip will give you the chance to hook into not only the native species of Texas fish but also Stripers and Trout. Both of these species are a stocked fish that are on a put and take program as they do not reproduce in the river system. Some do live year to year due to the cool water coming from the Canyon lake dam into the river. I have seen some giant stripers and trophy trout taken from the river below the dam.

One other benefit of these water trips is the amount of wildlife you see along the water. You never know what you will see as water is the center of life. Often unusual mammals such as beavers, nutrias and otters can be seen along the banks. Deer, hogs and turkeys are often seen in the adjacent bottom lands. Squirrels, raptors and other birds are seen in the trees and in flight.
I can think of no more peaceful way to enjoy Texas nature and wildlife than a slow float fishing trip along the beautiful waters of Texas. Good fishing, Wild Ed

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