*** “Catastrophic” starts out with some sit on the edge of your chair bobcat hunts. It is more a watch the hunt of me and my guests than an educational DVD. However, for the observant or experienced hunter it does have lessons. It brings home how important a decoy can be in holding the attention of predators and keeping eyes off of the hunter. Gary Roberson takes us on some great hunts and shows that he is truly a professional. I very much enjoyed some of the hunts he presented. The professionalism goes downhill as guest hunters take the scene and I lost interest in hearing some of their opinions. Much of this part is just to showcase the Compucaller II that Burnham Brothers has on the market. Many of the South Texas hunts take place out of high dollar deer blinds which is not how most of us varmint call. The more I watched of this DVD I came to realize that this is about bobcat hunting not necessarily bobcat calling. In one scene a bobcat is arrowed off a dead deer after defending the deer carcass from a coyote. This DVD is worth the money but like me you may want to keep the remote handy to fast forward through some of the scenes. There are some excellent scenes of bobcat calling and responding to different sounds. Most of the filming in this DVD is done very well. I would love to see Gary come out with a Volume II that goes into the calling aspects and setups that would be of more use to those that want to improve on their own cat calling abilities. Wild Ed

Jeff Thomason and Todd Woodall present a lot of hunts over different terrains both in daytime and nighttime venues. The style is more like a come along and watch us hunt. The narration is pretty much non educational but they do have talking sessions where they try to explain in a how to manner. Their section on game calls is very educational and should be of help to beginners and even the more experienced will gain from the information. The night hunting part of the DVD was also very exciting with some good hunts. There are some good scenes with coyotes, grey fox and bobcats called from the truck out in West Texas. I thought that their nighttime hunting tips were right on track. The filming to me is just not quite in focus some of the time and much of the panning of the camera is to fast to watch. Jeff and Todd are very skilled predator hunters that hopefully will become better at filming. I understand there are four DVDs out by them and I plan on purchasing some more of their hunting DVDs. By the way I never missed a coyote seven times, I never had the opportunity for seven shots. Wild Ed
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