I received this video in an email from a friend this weekend and it really got to me. I place it here so each of you can watch this and see true American Spirit. Those that would try to kill the American way of life will find it much more difficult than they can imagine. They forget about small town America and those that have freedom in their blood to their very core. I wish to say Thank You to all who have put their lives on the line for each of us here at home. May God bless each of you and your families.
God bless this Country. Wild Ed
Staff Sgt. John Beale’s arrival home
Click on the center of the video to start, turn up your speakers.

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Ed, thank you so much for posting this.
Your welcome, it was an honor to post it.
I want freedom the kind that makes you feel strong, let me tell ya' somethin' is wrong!
(Grand Funk Railroad, circa' 1972 from the Survival album.
Those words really ring true today Ed because not enough attention is being given to our to our "real" American heros these days.
Thanks so much for reminding us of who they really are!
Ed, God Bless YOU and the USA. As an American Legion Member, THIS is why we do what we do for whom we do it for. As a Veteran, and a twice widow of two Veterans, this has such an impact on my heart, and reminds me of what great people and country we have.
Thank you so very much for the HEART Charge!
LInda Reed
I wanted to read this again on Father's Day. The sacrifice that some Fathers make is beyond words. Everyday we lose some Fathers, everyday some Fathers lose their Sons or Daughters.
God Bless the Fathers and families of this great land of ours.
I think its pretty impressive that so many people turned out to say a last good bye.
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