I remember turkey season many years ago when I would chase turkeys with just a mouth call, a shotgun and dressed in surplus camo clothing. There were a lot of times that ole gobbler would see me move or the shine of my gun or face and be gone in a flash. As my skill developed and I learned about face paint and gun camo I became more proficient at bringing home a gobbler. I remember seeing the first outdoor television programs showing someone using a turkey decoy and how the turkeys came to the call looking at the decoy and not the hunter. I finally found a plastic turkey decoy in one of the outdoor catalogs and ordered it. There was no Internet or online search and ordering at that time. I could hardly wait until season to try out my decoy. The success I had with that plastic decoy through the years helped me take a lot of gobblers and even a few with my old grizzly recurve bow.
Many years later I was watching the tube one Saturday morning in the off season and here were two guys in a weird shaped camo tent hunting turkeys in the middle of a field with a decoy right outside the tent. I thought I can’t believe this will work as the turkeys will see that tent out in the middle of an open field and won’t come anywhere near it. I was starting to think it was tame turkeys or something as they walked right up to the decoy and one of the guys shot that turkey at mere feet from the tent. I knew it must have been a fluke or a place where turkeys had not been hunted much at all. Flipping through the channels a little later in the morning I saw another hunter setting up a turkey decoy and one of the strange camo tents in another open field. He then proceeded to call several turkeys right up to the tent and took one with his bow. I went to the catalog basket in the bathroom and started looking through the pages of an outdoor catalog. I had to have one of those magic camo tent blinds.

That was the beginning of my love affair with pop up camo blinds and turkey hunting. These things allow the regular guy to have success with shotgun or bow in hunting turkeys just about anywhere. I have had people that can’t even call send me emails about having turkeys come to a decoy set up outside a pop up blind. If you are like me you find a lot of uses for your blind. I have used mine on deer, hogs, and predators. I have even hunted waterfowl and sand hill cranes from one of the blinds. It pays to read and watch for new techniques and gear to be used in hunting. Sometimes it will even change the way you think and hunt. Have a great time chasing a gobbler this year. Have fun and above all be safe. Remember to take someone new to the field and get them started hunting. One time someone took the time to take you hunting. Wild Ed
Nice Post Ed,
I need a pop up. Do you have one you suggest.
George I have friends that swear by the Double Bull blinds but I chose to go with a bargain Eastman Outfitters and have been quite pleased. I would just make sure that whatever you go with has shoot through netting over the windows and that it can be replaced. Get the largest you can afford as you end up taking people or needing room for camera gear, tripods or drawing bows. Ed
I use mine to beach trap merlins on the coast.
Harris' Hawk Blog
Sounds like a great time to me. I would love to learn to beach trap sometimes. I have caught lots of hawks but only a few falcons and all on BC traps. I know others that use their pop ups for bird watching. Ed
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