Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Texas Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is always a special day to remember all the blessings that we have and share some time with loved ones while eating a special meal together. As you gather this Thanksgiving day be sure and say a special prayer for those on the front line that allow us to be free. They will not be sharing the day with loved ones and I doubt that many will have the type of dinner most of us will see on our tables. These are the men and women that safeguard our country.

Thank you for all you do and may GOD grant you a special blessing this Thanksgiving.
May GOD bind you in his protection and keep you safe until you return home,
Wild Ed

A Soldier's Thanksgiving

Over there a soldier's thinking
Of a time not long ago,
When his loved ones got together;
'Twas Thanksgiving Day, you know.

Over there a soldier's dreaming
Of a turkey baked just right,
Mashed potatoes, golden gravy,
Chestnut dressing, pure delight!

Over there a soldier's hungry
For whipped cream on pumpkin pie.
Squares of cornbread, crusts so tender,
Homemade biscuits stacked up high.

Over there a soldier's wishing
He could have one buttered roll.
But he feasts on GI rations
While his unit's on patrol.

Over there a soldier's lying
In a ditch, his makeshift bed.
Mud and dirt are his companions;
Been awhile since he's been fed.

Over there a soldier's praying
That his open sores will heal.
He is sure that he'll feel better
Once he has a good hot meal.

Over there a soldier's hearing
Loud explosions, muffled cries.
Shrapnel killed his foxhole buddy
Right before his very eyes.

Over there a soldier's quoting
Scriptures learned at Mother's knee,
Proud that he's a mighty warrior,
Keeping all his loved ones free.

This Thanksgiving as you're eating
That sweet corn that grandpa grew,
Say a prayer for that dear soldier
Who would love to be with you.

© 2007 Mariane Holbrook

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