Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WildWoods' Thanksgiving Colors

With Thanksgiving next week we have been busy trying to find a place for all our stuff from the old house that we plan on using here in our new home.  It seems like we have moved some things three or four times before it felt like it belonged where we finally put it.  Other things that we have not used in years are going to new homes, organizations or a final resting place as we are trying to scale back in our new life here.  We hope to have the house halfway put away as our families are coming to WildWoods for Thanksgiving.  We will be having the Traditional  Turkey dinner along with Grass-Fed Lamb, which will be the main product we produce here at WildWoods.
We have truly been blessed this year as the drought has been broken, at least for a while.  We have more grass going into winter than I have seen in many years.  A lot of our trees died in the drought but there are quite a few struggling to hang on with the help of the last few rains.  The deer are doing well along with the wild turkeys and other wildlife.  Our sheep are fat and ready for winter with an ample supply of green grass, forbs and browse.  As my wife and I made our evening patrol around the place we took some pictures so each of you could see some of the beauty of the place we call WildWoods.  May you and yours have a Blessed Thanksgiving, Wild Ed


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